Electrical Pulses In The Body
Here is a list of different types of pulses in the body. Image Credit: Hematoxylin Eosin Anacrotic. Anacrotic pulse is a slow rising, twice beating pulse where both the waves are felt during systole. The waves that are felt are the anacrotic wave and the tidal wave.
How Many Pulses In The Body
7 Pulses In The Body
My best guess is a mild autonomic dysfunction, ie, the balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems running over and around the heart. Based on the change in symptoms over the last three years, I am also guessing the systems are gradually balancing out (I hope).
Let us know what you find out. I also suspect an inner ear viral infection started the mess (check out my post of a few days ago).
Good luck.
Pulses In The Body Rate
Pulses In The Body
Fatigue and Pulsating sensation WebMD Symptom Checker helps you find the most common medical conditions indicated by the symptoms fatigue and pulsating sensation including Medication reaction. Pulse, rhythmic dilation of an artery generated by the opening and closing of the aortic valve in the heart. A pulse can be felt by applying firm fingertip pressure to the skin at sites where the arteries travel near the skin’s surface; it is more evident when surrounding muscles are relaxed.